You just need to click the green “Start recording” button to start the recording. SpeakPipe is an online tool that allows users to create an online voicemail for their blogs or website. No download option, and the audio is only available for sharing. Share the recording with others via Facebook, etc. You can record a message, morph your voice, and review recordings as much as you like. It can detect silent sections of your recording and deletes them for your convenience.

It allows you to cut unwanted part of your recording. Besides, you can tweak your microphone settings with Adobe Flash Player tools to decrease echo and adjust volume. Online Voice Recorder is a simple mic recorder that enables you to create audio recordings for a variety of purposes and disciplines, and share those files with your friends. Then, you can play your recording file or share with others directly. Once you are done recording your voice, click Stop to end the recording. Then, hit the REC button to begin recording your microphone'saudio input. To record your voice only, you need to enable the Microphone option and disablethe System Audio option. After that, click the Launch Free Recorder button to download the launcher and then you can start recording your microphone. How to Record Voice from Microphone with Free Online Audio Recorder Easy-to-use and lightweight for even beginners. Record audio calls and conferences from Skype, Yahoo Voice, Google Talk, etc.

Capture your voice from microphone, audio from system sound, or both for free. With all those features, it can perfectly work as a powerful voice recorder on your computer. It is a fully-online audio recorder that can capture your sound from microphone and your computer. If you are looking for the best online mic capturing tool that can record your own voice from an external or internal microphone, then AnyMP4 Free Online Audio Recorder is a perfect solution for you. List of Top 5 Online Mic Recording Programs AnyMP4 Free Online Audio Recorder (Recommended) List of Top 5 Online Mic Recording Programs You can record and mix audio within the app, record only when someone is speaking, increase the recording volume and record via Bluetooth headset. Voice Recorder ( Apple) - a simple voice recording app for iPhones.Advanced features include multiple audio formats, loop recordings and changing playback speed. Transcribe recordings in the app using speech-to-text technology, add notes to recordings and cloud support where you can save your audio recordings to. Voice Recorder & Audio Editor ( Apple) - voice recorder for the iPhone and iPad.The app also lets you choose which mic on your device to use, support for Wi-Fi transfer, gain control, and more. The app records MP3 and you can upload your audio automatically to Dropbox once the recording has finished. Hi-Q MP3 Voice Recorder ( Android) - Hi-Q is a powerful voice recorder app.It also has a few additional features, like the ability to change what kind of file type you record to.

You open the app, hit the mic button, record, share as needed, and then close the app. Easy Voice Recorder ( Android) - this app provides an easy way to record audio with your phone.Looking for a voice recording app instead? Here is our curated list of the best voice recording apps on both the Apple App store and Google Play store.